World newspapers react to Brazil-Croatia & Argentina-Holland

Club soccer may have surpassed international soccer in the hearts and minds of many fans, but no result in a domestic game can match the effect a national team result can have on millions of people.

From the depths of despair to the height of happiness, here is the reaction to Friday’s dramatic matches between Brazil and Croatia and Argentina and the Netherlands.

brazilian angst

Rio’s Extra leads with the somewhat upbeat “Time to Pick up the Pieces”:

O Dia captures the mood of a nation with “The Dance is Over”:

Neymar’s anguished face featured heavily in Brazilian coverage:

Or Estado de Sao Paolo with a poetic headline, “All that remains are Brazilian tears”:

Estado de Minas cleverly offers a headline in Croatian that reads “Goodbye sixth title”:

Croatian ecstasy

The Večernji List begins with the words of the Croatian coach, and how many fans must feel about another incredible Croatian World Cup run “My players are not normal”:

Sportske Novosti leads with “Croatia is a world wonder. We are back in the semifinals”:

Jutarnji List channels Montell Jordan with “This Is How We Do It”:

joy in Argentina

Clarín goes with a subtle hint to the Dutch when they say “With a pure heart and dreams”:

Diario Popular asks its own fans, and probably the Dutch, for a different answer, while proclaiming “Tell me how you feel!”:

La Gaceta has a less confrontational headline of “A joy without end”:

El Liberal has the perfect summary of the experience of the Argentine fans during the roller coaster game, “Suffer to Enjoy”:

The best cover photo of the day goes to Río Negro:

dutch heartbreak

It sounds more dramatic in Dutch, but Algemeen Dagblad says “So close”:

de Volkskrant offers kind support to Argentinian fans with “Football and passion never go so well together as in Argentina”:

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