“No motivation to go to train” Spanish source makes bold Spurs player claim

A source close to the player assures that Bryan Gil is currently living a nightmare in England. What began as a dream for the young winger from Cádiz has become an untenable situation for him both in football and personally. And of which Tottenham seems to have ignored.

Bryan barely plays, but THFC won’t approve a loan either. It is also alleged that even after Danjuma’s signing, Spurs will not authorize the Spaniard’s departure from N17, either on loan or through a sale. Consequently, the footballer is frustrated. Relevo has contacted those described as closest to the footballer.

“It is not good in England. He has no motivation to go to training, he is not happy and he doesn’t understand why they don’t let him out. “No matter what options you put on the table to leave, they [THFC] I prefer to have it without playing. He is pushing by all means because he needs to leave. Tottenham don’t care if Bryan is in a bad mood. The situation has reached such a point that the man from Cádiz does not care where he goes, he just wants to get out ”.

This week, it was discovered that the player had altered the appearance of his Instagram account, removing all references to Spurs and swapping out an avatar image of himself in a Spurs shirt with one of him playing for Spain.

Since the child is obviously too light for this division, surely the most sensible thing to do is to let the child borrow at least. Or maybe Daniel Levy isn’t sure who will be his first-team manager after the summer and is therefore hedging his bets.

Either way, with recent reports that Djed Spence isn’t uprooting trees in training either, it seems the Hotspur Way isn’t quite as magical as some believed.

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