how could this change their season? – Talk Chelsea

Chelsea’s long wait for Aubameyang has been extended further, and it could be a while before we see this infamous player join the ranks of the deep blue. This is so much the case that it seems Chelsea’s plan for the season may have to be scrapped without the addition of Aubameyang, and this could end up having a host of damaging side effects.

In this article, we’ll look at how Chelsea’s wait for Aubameyang may end up negatively affecting his season, as well as discuss what we may see from Chelsea next year. Let’s dive right into it.

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Aubameyang is not the only new addition to the team

One thing that’s vital to factor into the equation when considering how much Chelsea’s season could be affected by Aubameyang’s absence is that they already have plenty of new players to deal with in the first place.

Chelsea’s Crazy Summer has seen them acquire seven new players over the course of just a couple of months and unsurprisingly this will have a monumental impact on their upcoming season. However, that does not mean that things will be good.

It takes a while for new players to adjust to a team, and as we’ll cover in the next section, this could end up having an extremely negative effect.

Evidence of this can be found in any simple odds calculator – despite Chelsea’s best efforts, all the new players they’ve acquired may end up deepening the hole they’ve found themselves in, and this could happen with or without the addition of Aubameyang.

In fact, it is very likely that Aubameyang would have been able to make very little difference even if he was already in the Chelsea ranks. There is not much a man can do, and as he showed at Arsenal, he erred on the side of ‘not doing much’.

We could be ready to see a rocky season

When you combine the delayed Chelsea-Aubameyang transfer with the fact that Chelsea have just acquired a roster of new squad members, it can be easy enough to see why people have their concerns. Not only is the star player not even on the team yet, but the plethora of new faces likely haven’t had time to get used to the team dynamics, and this could lead to catastrophic results.

All that without mentioning the fact that Chelsea were already lagging behind the rest of the Premier League’s top teams to begin with; who knows what they will look like now that they are disabled.

We may see an incredibly difficult season from Chelsea if things continue as they are and, to the dismay of fans everywhere, it could end up being one of their worst seasons yet.

So what do you think is going to happen to Chelsea this coming season? Do you think they’ll work just fine without Aubameyang’s help, or do you think their long wait will leave them vulnerable? Whatever happens; there is very little that can be done to change the destiny of Chelsea.

We’ll just have to wait and see how Chelsea deal with all the challenges they face at the moment, and it’s going to be tough no matter what. I’ll catch you in the next one.

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