Chelsea would do well to take bits from underdog spirit – Talk Chelsea

While watching the World Cup so far, there is one very clear and obvious thing that I have noticed, and that is how far the team spirit, desire, intensity and athleticism of any team can go.

It’s something we can relate to Chelsea, because Chelsea today lacks physicality, athleticism and strong desire/mentalities when the chips fail. And to me, these are hugely important attributes, just as important as having quality and technical ability.

In this World Cup so far, we have seen Saudi Arabia beat Argentina and Japan beat Germany. Neither team would have had any real chance before the match, and both teams came from a goal back to win.

That itself, for me, was purely down to desire, belief and mindset, with a bit of quality added to physically scoring the goals (some very good finishes in both games).

As always, you need everything in your team. You need quality and physicality, and you also need mentality and energy. I think the desire to win games is undervalued in football, and it’s something I know we’ve all talked about in regards to Chelsea in recent seasons: a lack of mentality when the chips are down. We play as individuals and not as a team.

Saudi Arabia and Japan showed how important that side of the game is and exactly what you can achieve when every player on the field plays with 100% effort and 100% intensity, and for each other.

Chelsea can learn a thing or two from the Saudi Arabian and Japanese teams, and we even saw that from Canada too last night. The work rate, unity as a team, working hard for each other, covering areas, doing extra sprints, making that tackle, putting your body on the line to make a block, those are all additional aspects that can win you games. . only.

Never give up attitudes and the genuine belief that you can match the opponent at least in athletic and physical terms.

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