Tiger Flowers, The Georgia Deacon

He was only thirty-two years old when he left this world, but if, as the old saying goes, only the good die young, then Tiger Flowers could never have escaped his fate. If ever there was a man of virtue and integrity inside the ring, it was Theodore Flowers, son of religious and God-fearing parents, a man who had to turn his cheek many times outside the ring, such being the plight of any black man. in the United States at that time. But no one could mistake Flowers’ goodness and godly ways for weakness; This was a born warrior who fell in love the moment he first put on a pair of batting gloves, a boxer who competed a staggering 141 times in less than a decade.

Flowers was from Atlanta, but it was the legendary fight city of Philadelphia that introduced the man who would become one of the greatest southpaws in boxing history to punching. Young Theodore had traveled to “The City of Brotherly Love” during World War I to work in the shipyards and, more or less by chance, walked into a gym that turned out to be owned by none other than boxing luminary Jack O ‘Brien of Philadelphia. , who, coincidentally, was unprejudiced and allowed men of any color or creed to train there. The former world light heavyweight champion was impressed with the young man’s natural talent and encouraged him to continue training.

An autographed photo of the great Tiger Flowers.
An autographed photo of the great Tiger Flowers.

Theodore fell in love with the sport and when he returned to Atlanta he dedicated himself to pursuing a professional career, despite the objections of his church and his mother. “I am a professional boxer because I believe God wanted me to be what I am,” Flowers said. “The Bible tells me that it is not wrong for a man to fight for his livelihood.” He turned professional in 1918, although his career did not really begin to advance until 1921. He fought 13 times that year and by the end was a force to be reckoned with, more than holding his own against serious talents like Panama Joe. Gans and Kid Norfolk.

His nickname “The Georgia Deacon” was entirely appropriate. He carried his own little bible with him at all times, although he never prayed for victory in the ring. “I could meet a better, stronger man and lose the fight. Then I might be tempted to doubt the Lord, so I always wait until the struggle is over and then give thanks for the strength that has helped me get through.”

Whatever the outcome, Flowers accepted the officials’ decision without a word of complaint or protest. But in this regard, his faith was tested many times, as she was the victim of more than a few prejudiced verdicts throughout her career. Unfortunately, this was just a routine affair for a black wrestler at the time. But no matter the final outcome, Flowers always shook his opponent’s hand and offered her courtesy and respect.

Greb and Flowers mingle.
Greb and Flowers mingle.

However, during the fight it was a completely different matter, as his other nickname, “Tiger”, was equally appropriate. A converted southpaw, he fought furiously, throwing a storm of leather at his adversary as he proved difficult to return. He had his own unconventional style. Cunning, slippery and surprisingly busy, his sense of timing and distance, coupled with his speed, clumsiness and great physical strength, made him a world champion and an all-time great middleweight. His only notable weakness was a loose chin.

Like all black boxers of that era, Tiger Flowers found it difficult to get matches with white fighters and often had to fight his fellow “colored” boxers many times in order to make a living. In the end, premature as it was, he amassed a record of 132 wins, 17 losses, 8 draws and 4 draws over the course of just over nine years, an astonishing pace of activity. Flowers’ most famous fights are his battles with Harry Greb and Mickey Walker, but he also boasts victories over top talent such as Lou Bogash, Johnny Wilson, Frank Moody and Jock Malone, not to mention numerous battles with light heavyweights and even with the big men. Like all the greats of that era, Tiger was more than willing to mix with much bigger and heavier men.

Georgia Deacon
Story of the Greb vs Flowers III tape.

In 1924, Flowers met the great middleweight champion of all time, Harry Greb. To the surprise of many, Flowers got the better of him after ten rounds, although the only way he could have gotten an official victory was if he had knocked “The Smoke City Wildcat” senseless. Instead, the title went to Greb, although many thought he was lucky not to have lost it. Greb himself told writer BW Dickerson: “Flowers is the best boxer I have ever faced in the ring. He can beat heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey… he gave me a fight I will never forget and he showed me a lot of things about boxing that I had never known before.”

Greb and Flowers give their opinion before
Greb and Flowers weigh in before their February 1926 title fight.

Buoyed by his ability to hold his own against the world champion, Tiger persevered. He answered the bell an astonishing 31 times in 1925, surpassing the likes of Lou Bogash, Jock Malone, Frank Moody and Allentown Joe Gans. In February 1926 and at Madison Square Garden in New York, Greb received his second opportunity, and this time he took advantage of it, winning by unanimous decision. Flowers was the first black American since Jack Johnson to win a world title, the first to claim the middleweight championship.

He beat Greb in a rematch six months later, although this time the decision was notably unpopular. This would be the final fight of Greb’s career, as just a few months later, the legendary “Pittsburgh Windmill” died on the operating table while he underwent minor surgery to reverse facial damage sustained during his boxing career.

Flowers poses with his opponent Leo Lomski.
Flowers poses with his opponent Leo Lomski.

As the record book says, Tiger Flowers lost his middleweight title to his all-time partner Mickey Walker less than four months after the second bout against Greb, but it is well known that the decision in favor of “The Toy Bulldog” It was very questionable. with many first-hand reports stating that Flowers was the victim of a heinous robbery. Walker avoided a comeback fight while Tiger continued doing what he always did: fight frequently and rack up wins. A rematch with Walker was on the horizon when Flowers underwent surgery to remove scar tissue around his eyes. Unfortunately, the former champion suffered the same fate as his rival Greb the year before, dying on the operating table from unforeseen complications.

“The Georgia Deacon” is considered a great fighter of all time and one of the best southpaws to ever pass through the ropes. He is, and always will be, a true legend of the ring. —Robert Portis

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