Spezia escapes punishment for fan abuse against Filip Kostic

Filip Kostic suffered ill-treatment at the hands of the Spezia fans in Juventus’ last game and the Serb reacted.

Racism and other abuses are prevalent in Italian football and the authorities take the incidences of their occurrence seriously.

This sometimes leads to punishments for teams or bans for some fans, but it has yet to resolve the issue and the incident involving Kostic was the latest unpleasant incident in the Italian top flight.

The Serb had complained about it, and the club and the player hoped that the authorities would take action after the match.

However, a report on Tuttomercatoweb reveals that no further action will be taken against Spezia and there will be no punishment for them or their fans.

Juve FC says

This sad development will only strengthen more people to join and abuse players from other clubs when they meet.

The authorities have experience with episodes like this and must know the best way to handle them.

If they decide that it wasn’t too bad to justify the punishment, then we must accept their verdict. Hopefully it won’t give some fans more reason to do more.

Kostic is a pro and it’s most likely not the first time he’s come across this, so he should be fine.

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